Connected Data London

In July 2016 I had the opportunity to represent the company I work for, Semantic Web Company, at Connected Data London.  I had a 15 minutes slot to present some client success stories with connected data.  At the conference I also actively represented PoolParty, our  Software Suite, at the official stand offered to partners and sponsors.

I found London to be somehow “smaller” than the expectations floating around it. However, the people I interacted with (not at the conference) gave me immediately a very international flair of the city, more than in Vienna.

In the opening of the event David Meza presented how it is to use RDF and graph technologies at NASA. I was really happy to attend his session and to meet him in person.

The agenda of the first ever event is still online.

Developing for the Semantic Web

This year’s DevFest was again a blast!

I had the opportunity to hold a presentation about what I have been doing lately: a Web Application to show off the power of SPARQL. I turned my experience into an introduction of how to “Developing for the Semantic Web”.

Take a look:

My video from DevFest:

DevFest Vienna Website.

Introduction to Semantic Web

Hitchhiker’s guide to the Semantic Web

What? There is more to the web than what we know? But why? What is semantic web? Why do we need it? How does it look like? How do we use it? Where is this applicable? What does linked data got to do with it? Is this the future of web?

I was invited in March 2015 at the Women Techmakers Istanbul event where I got to hold an introduction about Semantic Web.

“The Semantic Web is an extension of the current web in which information is given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation.”  Tim Berners-Lee [1]


[1] The Semantic Web by Tim Berners-Lee, James Hendler, and Ora Lassila, Scientific American, 2001